April Fools' Day Treats: Hamburger Cookies
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Looks like a nice plate of delicious grilled sliders, doesn't it?

In reality it is:

Vanilla wafers
Keebler Grasshopper cookies
Red icing ( I recommend buying pre-made red icing, since red is hard to make with food coloring)
Yellow icing (I couldn't find any yellow icing this year, so we made ours with white icing and yellow food coloring)
Sesame seeds
Orange juice concentrate or corn syrup (we used corn syrup)
Put a good sized gob of frosting on each vanilla wafer (one for the "ketchup", one for the "mustard")
Sandwich together like this.

Voila! A very realistic miniature hamburger.
Have fun tricking your family and friends.
Click here for printable recipe.