Groundhog's Day Cupcakes
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I made my first batch of these cute Groundhog's Day cupcakes when Spencer was in first grade (he's in 9th grade now) and we haven't missed a year since then. I got the original idea from Family Fun magazine, but over the years I've made a few adaptations that make them cheaper and easier (a necessity when you have lots of little helpers and you're making an army of several dozen at a time). Kids and teachers alike love these cute little treats to brighten up a dreary Groundhog's Day! I'm making my shopping list right now to start a little groundhog cupcake factory here this weekend!

The ingredients:

*1 package Nutter Butter cookies (or Pepperidge Farms Chocolate Mint Milanos--SEE FOOD ALLERGY NOTE)
1 package Oreo cookies (crushed)
1 jar white frosting
1 tube pink or red decorator icing (with small tip)
mini M &M's
**1 package white Betty Crocker Drizzlers (or other melted chocolate)
1. Frost each cupcake with white frosting.
2. Sprinkle a small spoonful of crushed Oreos onto each frosted cupcake.
3. Set cupcakes aside.
4. Apply small dots of melted chocolate onto the cookies for the eyes and nose.
5. Add mini M & M's for the eyes while the chocolate is still melted.
6. Allow chocolate to set.
7. With pink or red decorator icing draw a smile below each nose.
8. Wait until shortly before serving before placing the cookies into the cupcakes. I've learned from experience that if you insert the cookies the night before they tend to get soggy and fall over, but if I wait until right before school to do this last step they'll be standing up straight when I serve them.
9. Enjoy the smiles of delight when they see this cute little fellow popping up to say, "hello"!

*FOOD ALLERGY NOTE: if peanut allergies are a problem then Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Mint Milano cookies will work just as well. This year I ended up with an egg allergy to accommodate as well and we used Cocoa Krispie marshmallow groundhogs and the kids LOVED them more than any other groundhog cookie we've ever used. Just make as per regular Rice Krispie treats and shape them into groundhog shapes while they're still warm.

Adorable!! I think my kids would love making these :)
How cute they are- who wouldn't love them!
Oh my nephew would LOVE this! I definitely want to do these - Groundhog's Day or not! :)
So cute! Even cuter than the groundhog himself.
These are so cute! So thoughtful of you to include allergy information. I struggle with that for my son.
aw, too cute, i love these!
Oh my goodness, those are just the cutest.
I smiled W-I-D-E when I saw these little cuties. They are adorable!!
These are just the cutest! Great idea AnnaLisa.
I just got on your blog to look up this recipe so I could remember how to make it again, but you made it easy for me by re-posting! Thanks! They were a big hit last year--I can't believe it's been a year already!!
what a cute fun idea!Thanks for sharing!!
I remember this from last year. In fact, on Groundhog's Day I actually thought of you and wondered if you would be making them. It's the only Groundhog treat I have ever seen, so it stuck in my memory.
We eat Groundhog Day cake every year with a groundhog figure and little chocolate foot prints coming out a hole.
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