The Best Homemade Salsa

Monday, February 3, 2020

My daughter recently discovered the best homemade salsa recipe and we're so hooked on it, that I decided to break my 5 year silence here on the blog and put this recipe in a safe place where the recipe won't get lost!   One jalapeno gives it just the spiciness level we like, but you may want to add more if you like the heat.   I know the celery seems weird, but I think it's what helps give it the perfect texture.  Who knows?  Perhaps this recipe will help kick off me starting to post some of the other new family favorites we've discovered over the last few years.   
Click here for printable recipe. 

The ingredients:
2 cans diced tomatoes
4-5 stalks chopped celery
1 bunch cilantro
1/2 onion, diced
1-2 jalapeños, deseeded (start with one and add more to taste)
4 cloves garlic
juice of one lemon and/or lime 
1/2 tsp. cumin (optional)
1/2 tsp. chili powder (optional)
1-1/2 tsp. salt  (you may need to adjust this a little depending on how salty your tomatoes are)
1/2 tsp. pepper 

Add all ingredients to blender.

Press "PULSE" a few times, until the mixture is even and coarsely chopped. Makes about 4 cups. For best flavor, allow the flavors blend for several hours or overnight. Keeps in the fridge for about a week. Enjoy!


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About This Blog

My name is Lara and while I'm definitely not a gourmet cook, I do love preparing tasty, healthy meals for my family. Finding new recipes to try and sharing the ones we've already fallen in love with is a passion I've had since college and the reason why I've started this blog! With five kids, I'm usually in a hurry, so you'll find most of these recipes kid friendly and simple to make.

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