Bear with me please...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Last night I subscribed to a feed tracking service called Feedburner. I'm not sure what went askew in the process, but somehow it sent out a whole lot of weird stuff to people's feed readers in my name. Please bear with me, I think I'm figuring out how to fix things. In the meantime, please accept my apologies for unknowingly clogging up your readers. I'm very, very sorry!

PS If you notice any more weird issues with my feed from here on out, please feel free to let me know (via comment or email) and I'll see what I can do to fix it.


Donna-FFW February 21, 2009 at 11:39 AM  

Lara- I have something for you to pick up at my latest post.XXOO

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About This Blog

My name is Lara and while I'm definitely not a gourmet cook, I do love preparing tasty, healthy meals for my family. Finding new recipes to try and sharing the ones we've already fallen in love with is a passion I've had since college and the reason why I've started this blog! With five kids, I'm usually in a hurry, so you'll find most of these recipes kid friendly and simple to make.

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